Join us this Fine Art Friday for a creative doll-making program with special guest artist Glenda McKay!
Glenda is a doll maker and uses great longhorn bison, woolly mammoth, 3-toed horse, walrus, and seals for her pieces. She will be bringing some hides, tusks, and fossilized bones of these animals to share with all Fine Art Friday Guests!
I was taught to survive off the land at a very young age. I learned many things from my Mother, Grandmother, and Aunts (Ingalik-Athabascan, Yupik and Inupiat-Eskimo).
As a small girl I was taught to trap, hunt, brain-tan, sew skins and clothing, beading, gathering of plants for food, medicines, and dyes. They wanted us to know how to survive off the Land and to never forget our culture.
My Artwork portrays traditional and historical items, stories, events of my culture, or people I’ve met. They depict actual ceremonies, lives, culture and history.
I use the finest materials for my traditional creations. All the skins and hides are from subsistence hunts, and files, knives, and sandpaper are used on all my ivory and bone carvings. My Love to carry on my Culture and Traditions has made it possible for me to attend Indian Art shows at Museums and International Indian Art Markets throughout the United States.
This project is supported in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and by the National Endowment for the Arts.