Animals & Plants
Gem & Mineral Microscopes
Reveal the invisible and get a micro look at fossils, rocks, shells, leaves, flowers, insects, textiles, coins... the list is endless.
Nature Nook & Carnivorous Plant Terrarium
Visit our Nature Nook which includes our corn snake Cornelius, Pancake Tortoise, Bisquick, Uromastyx, Fafnir, and Mexican king snake Loki.
Don’t forget to visit the Carnivorous Plants, including the trumpet pitcher plant and the Venus fly trap, courtesy of the Harrell House Bug Museum.
Crawl & Toddle
- Toddler Zone
Dig & Harvest
- Community Garden
- The Sandbox
- The Trail
- Lookout Tower
- Rubik's Cube
- Catch the Wind
- Magnetic Ball Run
- People on the Go
- Home
- Light Table
- Litezilla
- Firehouse
- Discovery Market
- Discovery Vet
Learn & Relax
- Learning Lab
- Picnic Point
- Creative Corner
- Rigamajig
- Make 'N Take
- Legos
- Amphitheater
- Soundscape
Water Play
- Water Pump
- Bubblearium
- Splash Table
- Thoughts Flow Interactive Water Table
- Bubbles